Category Archives: open issues

Open Knowledge Foundation

3 Years ago Rufus Pollock met up with me in Cambridge – I think in conjunction with concern over European legislation on copyright. He told me that he was starting “knowledge forge” – a similar approach to sourceforge, but for … Continue reading

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Well Done OA

Peter Suber’s latest post needs no comment: OA mandate at NIH passes the Senate Tonight the Senate passed the Labor-HHS appropriations bill containing the provision to mandate OA at the NIH.  More, the vote was a veto-proof 75-19. Comments Neither … Continue reading

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Open Notebook NMR – the good and the ugly

We’ve started going through the structures in serial order. Here are two in the first 4 I looked at. One shows near perfect agreement, the other is frankly awful. Here’ s the link to NMRShiftDB: nmrshiftdb2470-1 (solvent: chloroform) You can … Continue reading

Posted in nmr, open issues, open notebook science | 6 Comments

Open Notebook NMR: Commercial re-use of data?

Antony Williams of Chemspider has offered to participate in our Open Notebook NMR experiment. Now this offer has been joined by ACDLabs – I am not sure of the formal relation between the companies but they have clear common interests. … Continue reading

Posted in nmr, open issues, open notebook science | 8 Comments

Peter Suber – a model for us all

I have just read Richard Poynder’s interview with Peter Suber: The Basement Interviews: Peter Suber, Open and Shut? October 19, 2007. It’s 80 pages and Richard records that it took 3 hours on Skype and landline. It’s almost the equivalent … Continue reading

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Reconciling points of View

Over the last few weeks there has been strong and active discussion about issues relating to Openness and some of these have been commented on (or even initiated) here. Some people feel that I have may been simplistic or overly … Continue reading

Posted in "virtual communities", open issues | 1 Comment

Urgent action need to support the NIH bill

Peter Suber has written at length (Urgent action need to support the NIH bill) The provision to mandate OA at the NIH is in trouble.  Late Friday, just before the filing deadline, a Senator acting on behalf of the publishing … Continue reading

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Industry suffers from Closed Data

I received the following unsolicited mail two days ago from a scientist in a major chemical company [I have anonymised everything so you will have to take my word]. I work [in industry] and am very interested in improving our … Continue reading

Posted in data, open issues | 3 Comments

Adding semantic markup with InChI

If we could require all authors to provide machine-readable chemical structures in their chemistry articles the quality of chemistry would increase dramatically and immediately. We could create Open databases immediately, that were machine-searchable (just like crystalEye). No-one doubts that, but … Continue reading

Posted in chemistry, open issues | Leave a comment

What does "Open Access" mean

Stevan Harnad is one of the founders of the OA movement and has tirelessly promoted the idea of Green and Gold OA. I applaud and support Stevan’s achievements. However I find and argue that Green Access does not give the … Continue reading

Posted in data, open issues | 5 Comments