Category Archives: open issues

berlin5 : NIH and RCUK

NIH has an open policy since 1994. Barbar Seto presented an example, GWAS which has to deal with human subjects. How to make data Open, while protecting identity? NIH serves as central data repository, including: Genome-wide acssociation study (GWAS), Genbank, … Continue reading

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berlin5: Open Data and institutional repositories

John Marks (ESF) introduced our session and set the scene on the need for Open Data and sharing. He stated strongly that it was essential that we had discipline-specific repositories for different branches of science. I share this view and … Continue reading

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berlin5 : Maxine Clarke

Maxine is presenting Nature’s practice and philosophy on data. (Hope I capture this OK – there is a lot or material) In the early 1990’s they introduced Supplementary Info (SI). 2007 they have fully integrated online methods. SI is largely … Continue reading

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berlin5 : Ilaria Capua's bravery

A stunning presentation from Ilaria Capua on the necessity of releasing sequence information relating to avian flu. There’s lot’s ocoverage on the web – here’s one and a snippet: After Capua took over, IZSVe became Italy’s reference lab for bird … Continue reading

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berlin5 : how to progress Open Data?

I’m putting together some ideas for my talk tomorrow – probably about 25-30 minutes. It’s sometimes useful to set them out in the blog beforehand so I can refer to it as well as the slides. The audience is roughly: … Continue reading

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berlin5 : The laws of robotics; request for drafting

I have been asked about what we need for robotic access to publishers’ sites. Several publishers are starting to allow robotic access to their Open material. (Of course the full BBB declarations logically require this, but in practice many publishers … Continue reading

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berlin5 : Chris Armbruster; green ==> gold

Chris argues that we must move rapidly to Gold OA (full OA) rather than Green (self-archiving). The community increasingly requires archival of the final version (e.g. for RAE). Why should OA publishers (like BMC) mimic conventional ones like Elsevier and … Continue reading

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berlin5 : SCOAP

Salvatore Mele (CERN) on SCOAP (the new CERN OA publishing model). HEP (high energy physics) is decades ahead in OA thinking has been circualting preprints for 40 years arXiv 1991 first peer-reviewed electronic journals small community 20,000 and journals are … Continue reading

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berlin5 : Monetizing informatics – a fantasy

I want to float an idea tomorrow – I don’t know whether it’s mad, but at least if we float it in the blogosphere I’ll find out if others have similar thoughts. In essence we need a method of rewarding … Continue reading

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berlin 5: plenary 1

Random snippets: Fred Friend (original Berlin-1 signatory), now JISC and honorary Univ. College London… Need to go to GOLD OA asap. JISC will not massively fund this in the future (it has done quite a lot so far) but will … Continue reading

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