Rudy Potenzone (MS) and I spent a long breakfast (or pre-breakfast) preparing the demo of Chem4Word which gets show in ca. 30 mins (by me, with Rudy on hand as it’s on his machine). We’ve both done demos before – my first was ca 1978 (more later, perhaps) but common in the mid-90’s when I was selling (a little) into pharma. Rudy’s been in many companies and orgs – CAS, MDL, Polygen (Accelrys), and now MSR where he heads up the industry liaison in the chemistry. We’re excited about the potential of C4W and I have to organize my brain to make sure I remember my lines.
The demo has been planned for a month – and there are 35+ separate operations to show. I have a crib sheet as it’s easy to forget what to show – not how to show it, but what and when.
Next post might tell you how it went. And perhaps some screen shots…