Category Archives: open issues

Open NMR: Update

Prompted by an enquiry today [below] it’s a good time to update about the project. I haven’t talked to Nick today but he mailed earlier and I’ll quote from his mail, which we hope to post in full when we … Continue reading

Posted in nmr, open issues | 2 Comments

CrystalEye and repositories: Jim explains the why and how of Atom

Since Atom may not be familiar to everyone Jim Downing has written two expositions on his blog. These explain his thinking of why a series of medium-sized chunks is a better way to support the download of CrystalEye than one … Continue reading

Posted in crystaleye, open issues | 3 Comments

CrystalEye: request for subsets

Egon Willighagen has made a clear and appropriate statement/request of what he would like from CrystalEye: Egon Willighagen Says: November 5th, 2007 at 11:09 am e Depending on the differences between the RAW and COMPLETE CMLs or maybe CIF files, … Continue reading

Posted in crystaleye, open issues | 1 Comment

Is science copyrightable?

I have been jolted into wondering whether scientific publications are actually protectable by copyright. I’m almost certainly wrong, but here’s my little journey. I found Tim O’Reilly (et al.): Publishing Digital Fair Use 23:26 03/11/2007, Peter Brantley, Planet SciFoo: Fair … Continue reading

Posted in open issues | 5 Comments

Derivative use of Open Access works

A number of people have commented on my concern about the re-use of Open Data and suggested that I have put unreasonable restrictions on it. I show two comments and then refer to Klaus Graf who has, I think, put … Continue reading

Posted in open issues | 6 Comments

Open NMR: what metadata do we want?

One of the reasons that CrystalEye works is that the metadata contributed by the authors (and required by the publishers, through IUCr) is superb. Is there general agreement about what metadata should be captured for NMR spectra or shifts? The … Continue reading

Posted in nmr, open issues | 5 Comments

A novel idea: publishers adding value to OA publications

Here’s a post from a little while ago. TA publishers thinking about how to build on OA repositories 19:19 08/10/2007, Peter Suber, Open Access News: Stephane Goldstein has blogged some notes on the ALPSP conference, Repositories – for better or … Continue reading

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Open NMR: update and requests for input

The NMR project that Nick Day has been working on for the last month has run its course. We said that it would finish at the end of October so as not to prolong Nick’s writing up. Like all research … Continue reading

Posted in nmr, open issues | 1 Comment

Gordon calls for Open Something

UK Prime Minister endorses public access to public info (Peter Suber, Open Access News) reports: Michael Cross, PM embraces the notion of easier access to government data, The Guardian, November 1, 2007.  Excerpt: The case for allowing free access to … Continue reading

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Open Source and Open Data

In the last post I commented on some of the limitations of licences to ensure Open Data. This post  now compares it with Open Source. I am a campaigner for Open Data (see Wikipedia) and on the advisory board for … Continue reading

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