Bryan Bishop has just released the videos from the Berkeley Open Science Summit which should go down as one of the seminal Open events of 2010.
I am extremely grateful for being recorded
There are a few places where I walked away from the microphone (I don’t really like static mikes, and I don’t think we had a pointer). I think the audience could hear but not the recorder.
Due to some wonderful (anonymous) volunteer there was a transcript which I have edited at:
My practical message was that we could reclaim our scholarship. That’s true, though I now prefer the phrase “Open Scholarship”. An Open Bibliography is practicable. It’s even more practicable than I thought in July. A number of technologies and people have come together and we have already prototyped parts of it. I’ll post on this later.
But, again, I have paid my homage to Berkeley. These images and sounds refresh and reinvigorate.