Typed and Scraped into Arcturus
When I started to blog and mail about Climate Change/Research I knew I was blundering into areas that I knew little about and that I would discover a great deal of previous and current activity. I ahve a wonderful response from Lance McKee of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) [on the OKF open-science mailing list]
I call your attention to one activity of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC): the GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot 3 (AIP-3) data sharing activity: http://sites.google.com/a/aip3.ogcnetwork.net/home/home/aip-3-kickoff/data-sharing-guidelines .
There are many in the OGC (http://www.opengeospatial.org) who share your concerns about climate data. OGC runs a consensus process in which government and private sector organizations collaborate to develop open interfaces and encodings that enable, among other things, sharing of geospatial data, including climate data. I think the OGC is likely to play an important role in the opening up of climate science.
I invite you to look through a presentation in which I gathered my learnings and musings about the importance, feasibility and inevitability of persistent and open publishing of scientific geospatial data: http http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=37254 .
The presentation is well worth reading, including 17 (sic) reasons why data should be open.
It is very valuable to see that the OGC has done so much. I will read what emerges over the next days. It may be that the OKF has a role – it may be that it should be primarily supportive of others.
I have an open mind.