Dictated to Arcturus
This is probably the last post and I shall make about the UK general election and probably the last with a picture of a bear. As I predicted I voted for the winner of the election which was “a complete mess” with no indication that the country has the mechanism or will to govern itself. It’s meaningless to use scalar quantities such as a single vote to get information on what is a vector quantity (of the variety of different political messages that one would like to send).
The one clear winner was the bear. The bear got several tweets, see http://topsy.com/trackback?utm_source=pingback&utm_campaign=L2&url=http://wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/blogs/murrayrust/%3Fp=2331. The bear is so proud that they are reproduced below. Note “classy”, “a national treasure”. And the posters are “highly influential”, “influential” (3). Here’s the full list:
Tweets about this link
jeromegotangcoInfluential: “Can I vote with my face covered? http://bit.ly/aevZWh
simonhodson99: “Politics of the absurd: Vote bear! http://bit.ly/abdjo5 and http://bit.ly/bTt4Uv ”
danjaHighly Influential: “Can I vote with my face covered? « petermr’s blog: http://bit.ly/bNmMY5 ”
philbarker: “RT @iandolphin24: . @petermurrayrust has now probably officially graduated to “national treasure” status http://bit.ly/csQsJ5 ”
explodingwalrus: “♺ @glynmoody: Can I vote with my face covered? – http://bit.ly/9CwYZW classy: @petermurrayrust tells us why he votes in a bear-suit #ge2010 ”
iandolphin24Influential: “. @petermurrayrust has now probably officially graduated to “national treasure” status http://bit.ly/csQsJ5 ”
iandolphin24Influential: “http://wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/blogs/murrayrust/?p=2331 ”
iandolphin24Influential: “RT @glynmoody: Can I vote with my face covered? – http://bit.ly/9CwYZW classy: @petermurrayrust tells us why he votes in a bear-suit #ge2010 ”
popeyInfluential: “♺ @glynmoody: Can I vote with my face covered? – http://bit.ly/9CwYZW classy: @petermurrayrust tells us why he votes in a bear-suit #ge2010 ”
glynmoodyHighly Influential: “Can I vote with my face covered? – http://bit.ly/9CwYZW classy: @petermurrayrust tells us why he votes in a bear-suit #ge2010
This is the first time that the bear has stood in a popularity contest. After all general elections are simply popularity contests. So what is the bears mandate? Should it stand in a human election? Should we form an animal party, similar to the monster raving Looney party? Should the bearer form a coalition government with hangers the monkey from Hartlepool? It is waiting by the phone for the call. What policies does the bear have? Here’s its manifesto.
“For one day every year the human party should be replaced by animals. (after all prime minister’s question time is little more than a squabble between animals.) Any child in the country should be allowed to propose a change in the law, but they must come dressed as an animal and propose their new law. The child that gives the most buns to the bear gets to make the proposal “.
As a first step to reforming the country the bear at wishes to make contact with all the other animals who voted or even stood as candidates in the election. the bear does not know what the name of the party would be. “The Teddy bear’s party” would be a good name, but of course we must not be exclusionary. This is not “a bears only” party.
Maybe “Animal farm” would be a good name. I don’t think anybody has thought of that before.
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