“The four essential chemical substances within your brain”

Dictated to my machine Arcturus

I get too many spams already on this blog perhaps 20 to 50 per day that get past Akismet (without which I would be swamped) and I delete them before reading. However one that caught my eye today is sufficiently outrageous that I hope that Ben Goldacre (Bad Science) picks it up. It’s at http://www.articlesdirectorynow.info/maintain-the-four-essential-chemical-substances-within-your-brain/ . Now as a chemist I know that my brain contains many thousands of chemical substances (not including macro molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, and polysaccharides). So I was intrigued which of those many Saracens that I could do without. Here are apparently the ones that are essential, and before you go any further I should make it clear that this is mainstream nutraceutical pseudo science. (the compounds are real and I have included Wikipedia links in case you wish to find out what they actually are)

With that said, here are some brain food you should eat more of, Providing that you had not already done that.


1. The region with the mind termed hippocampus (
responsible for turning short-term memory into long-term memory) includes the chemical ellagitannins. It’s important that you sustain this chemical because the degree of ellagitannins lessensas you expand older. To include things like it as part of your eating plan, consume some fruits like strawberries, raspberries or blueberries.


2. The striatum (the portion of your brain that’s used for spatial memory) have a chemical named proanthocyanins. These can be contain in blueberries, grapes and red wine.


3. The brain, in general, have huge amount of DHA, which is a type of healthy fat (omega-). Oily fishes, like salmon, are great sources of DHA but there is a booming incidence of mercury poisoning of seafood in general. This is the reason why I normally suggest the consumption of krill oil as an alternative.


4. Once it comes to vitamins, make confident that you simply incorporate vitamin B within your eating habits. Make certain that you just eat specifically vitamin B12 as that is recognized to improve the psychological functions and stop the damage of human brain cells. On top of that it really is recognized as to decrease the chance of forming diseases like Alzheimer, or other mental issues. To consist of the B12 vitamin inside your diet, you ought to consume red meat. B12 can be a vitamin which you cannot locate in plants, so if you are a vegan, make sure you also contain this vitamin within your meals.


If you want to have a balanced view of what is proven and what is not in nutrition (and most of it is not proven), read Ben’s blog and book. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_Science_%28book%29

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