I’m delighted to report the launch of the Open Definition Advisory Council. When Rufus Pollock first bent my ear on Open Knowledge (perhaps 3+ years ago) I didn’t really understand it. Now its role is absolutely clear – we need a meta-licence and philisophy to cover a range of fields for which formal licences ot practices can be put in place. Rufus and colleagues have spent huge amounts of time formalising the definition and their skill is that it applies to a wide range of fields without being too diffuse to be meaningful. In science, for example, it comes at the right time to interact with and complement Science Commons….
Open Definition Advisory Council launched
16:30 15/02/2008,
news, okf, okf projects, open data, open knowledge, open knowledge definition, open service, Open Knowledge Foundation Weblog
We are pleased to announce the launch of an Advisory Council for opendefinition.org. The Council will be formally responsible for maintaining and developing the Definitions and associated material found on the Open Definition site – including the Open Knowledge Definition and the Open Service Definition. As many of you will know, these definitions aim to provide clear and succinct sets of conditions for ‘openness’ in knowledge and services.
Jordan Hatcher of opencontentlawyer.com has kindly agreed to be Chair of the Council, which includes:
- Paul Jacobson, iCommons
- Paul Miller, Talis
- Peter Murray-Rust, Cambridge University
- Rufus Pollock, Open Knowledge Foundation & Cambridge University
- Rob Styles, Talis
- Peter Suber, Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) & Earlham College
- Luis Villa, Columbia Law School, GNOME Foundation & Open Source Initiative
- Jo Walsh, Open Knowledge Foundation & Open Source Geo-Spatial Foundation
- John Wilbanks, Science Commons
More detailed biographies are available on the Advisory Council page.
It is our intention that the overall development of the material on the site will continue in the same community based and collaborative manner. The Council’s role will be to provide oversight, guidance and input into this process, not to replace it.
This is fantastic news for the definitions projects!