I was honoured to be part of the development of XML (especially through the XML-DEV mailing list Ian Jacobs of the W3C asked for digital memorabilia to commemorate that and also to save some oral history (we have lost enormous amounts of the early web as we didn’t have the means to save it and there was too much new and exciting to do).
So Nico Adams very kindly agreed to record my thoughts as an (audio) podcast. This took just under an hour (we rerecorded to get better quality). Here’s his announcement including the link to our DSpace ( in Cambridge DSpace is not only for fulltext papers).
I have submitted the audiofile containing the XML anniversary interview with Peter to our DSpace repository and you can download it from here:
It is in mp3, which every music player should be able to handle.
Many thanks Nico.
The recording assumes that the listener knows something about XML and I use terms like W3C without explanation. I have assumed it will be collected along with other artefacts so that there may be some communal explanations. The podcast is ca 50 minutes long and is made available under CC-BY (i.e. you can do whatever you like with it without my or Nico’s permission as long as we are acknowledged).
Coincidentally I got a request today from Alan Richon for information about the early days of molecular graphics (computational drug discovery) ca 1980. I might find time to record something brief about that and do something longer later.
Posts will be somewhat sporadic over the next few days.