I have been distracted by the real world (in some cases to good effect). A lot of progress on CML, Wikipedia, chemical language processing, etc. We’ve also had a WordPress upgrade which until it happened has stopped my re-opening the CML blog. I shall be at the European meeting on Open Access in Berlin next week and will hope to blog some of that.
Some recent highlights:
- I’ve done a long interview on Open Data which should be public fairly soon
- I converted the Serials Review article into Word and that has now been submitted. I have also submitted it to Nature Precedings and that should be available in a day or so.
- I have finalised the prrofs for the Nature “Horizons” article (whose preview is on Nature Precedings). The house style seems to be to remove all names from the text and further reading and I am not allowed to acknowledge people by name. This makes the article read in a very ego-ecentric style which does not reflect on the communal nature of the exercise. It appears in early Feb