How do we disseminate our CrystalEye data? If we use one large file, even zipped, it will run into gigabytes. Also it can’t easily be updated. Jim Downing has started to set up AtomPP feeds for disseminating it. Geoff Hutchison asks:
I think this depends where someone starts. If they are a regular user of crystalEye then AtomPP would seem to be the best approach – it means you don’t have to remember when to download and what the size of chunk are. Is it a simple method to get the historical material when starting out? Jim, perhaps you can help here
October 29th, 2007 at 10:03 pm ePeter, as I mentioned to you earlier, I think many of us are looking for the open data in Crystal Eye, particularly fragments. Surely there’s an easier and more efficient way to get the data than AtomPP feeds. Will you have periodic dumps — say I get this quarter’s crystal structures and then can use the AtomPP feeds to just pull new entries?