Advice on Open Notebook Technology

Cameron Neylon (How best to do the open notebook thing…a nice specific example) has responded helpfully at great length on collaboratuive technology for our Open NMR Calculations…

How best to do the open notebook thing…a nice specific example

Peter Murray-Rust is going to take an Open Notebook Science approach to a project on checking whether NMR spectra match up with the molecules they are asserted to represent. The question he poses is how best to organise this. The form of an open notebook seems to be a theme at the moment with both discussions between myself and Jean-Claude Bradley (see also the ONS session at SFLO and associated comments) as well as an initiative on OpenWetWare to develop their Wiki notebook platform with more features. There are many ideas around at the moment so Peter’s question is a good specific example to think about.
As I understand Peter’s project the plan is as follows;
  1. Obtain NMR spectra from a public database and carry out a high level QM calculation to see whether this appears consistent with the molecule that the spectra is supposed to represent.
PMR: Yes. We are also tooling up so that individuals can submit spectra. Anyone can do this, but initially they should discuss it just to agree on the technology. All spectra and molecules will be OPen so it won’t suit all applications.
  1. Expose the results of this analysis useful form.
PMR: Yes. Rather like crystalEye where we have one page per compound.
  1. Identify and prioritise examples where the spectrum appears to be ‘wrong’. The spectrum could be misassigned, the actual molecule could be wrong, or the calculation could be wrong.
PMR: We’ll create plots for ALL molecules and spectra. However it may not be always to identify what is “wrong”. Thus a bad TMS value (e.g. if the solvent is wrong) will shift all the values. So we may give a revised line (y = x –> y = x + c).
  1. Obtain feedback on the ‘wrong’ cases and attempt to correct them through a process of discussion and refinement
PMR: Yes. It may not bbe trivial to correct them – we shan’t have a chemical editor in the Wiki, so it may be an idea to have a molecule upload. However the details often bite hard.
So there are several requirements. The raw data needs to be presented in a coherent and organised fashion. Specific examples need to be ‘pushed out’ or ‘alerted’ so that knowledgeable and interested people are made aware and can comment and (and this is separate from commenting) further detailed discussion is enabled and recorded for the record.
PMR: Yes. We’ll probably do this by RMS deviation and we could colour the table of contents or something similar. It may not be easy to make generic corrections over several thousand files. (Hang on – the files are in CML so it’s trivial).
In addition there are the usual requirements for a notebook or a scientific record. The raw data must remain inviolate and any modifications must be recorded along with the process that generated the data. There will also presumably be a requirement to record thought processes and realisations as the process goes forward.
PMR: We’ll have to rely on the Wiki technology.
My suggestion is as follows:
  • The raw data is generated by a computational and repititive process so I imagine it is highly structured. I would use a template web page, possibly sitting within a Wiki but not editable, to expose these. This would include details of what was run and how and when. This would be machine generated as part of the analysis. Obviously appropriate tagging will play an important role in allowing people to parse this data.
PMR: Yes. I am not yet sure how to insert machine-generated pages into a Wiki and we’ll value help here. The pages will certainly NOT be editable. Any refinement of the protocol or correction will generate a NEW job, not overwrite the last one.
  • A blog to provide two things. An informal running commentary of what is going on, what the current thought processes are, and what is being run and ‘alerts’ of specific examples which are interesting (or ‘wrong’). This is largely human generated, although the ‘alerts’ could be automated.
PMR: I think we are clearly going to have a new blog. What I’m not clear is how we post comments from the blog to the Wiki and alert the Wiki from the blog.
  • A wiki to enable discussion of specific examples and detailed comparisons by outside and inside observers. As Peter suggests in his draft paper, specific groups, both functional and academic, may show up as problems but predicting these in advance is challenging. A wiki provides a free form way of letting people identify and collate these. It may be appropriate to (automatically or manually) post comments from the blog into the wiki (which would also provide reliable time stamps and histories, not available in most standard blog engines).

So my answer to Peter’s question which might have been paraphrased as ‘Which engine is the best to use?’ is all of them. They all provide functionality that is important for the project as I understand it but none of them provide enough functionality on their own. An interesting question which would arise from this combination of approaches is ‘where is the notebook?’ to which I will admit I don’t have an answer. But I’m not sure that it matters.

PMR: I am not worried about where the notebook is (though it could be difficult to “lift it up” by a single root.
This doubling up mirrors current practise both in Jean-Claude’s group where the UsefulChem wiki is the core notebook but the Blog is used for high level discussion. Similarly I am moving towards using this Blog for higher level discussion of results but the chemtools blog as more of a data repository. At Southampton we are thinking about the notion of ‘publishing’ from the Blog to a Wiki once a protocol or set of results is sufficiently established as Step 1 on the way to the paper.
PMR: Sounds reasonable
Finally a throw away suggestion. Peter, if you want to get a lot of spectra with a lot of associated molecules, without any concerns about publisher copyrights, then consider opening this up as a service for graduate students to check their NMR assignments. I bet you get inundated…

PMR: We have no lack of vision here! The SPECTRa project has created the technology, and this can be tested through J-CB’s molecules. I’m not too worried about overload – a thesis has ca 200 molecules and we can do this in less than a day. So if we had 300 theses in a year that would be 60,000 molecules. And, of course, since it’s Open it could be done elsewhere. The main problem is that the data HAVE to be open – the students will have to expose their molecules before the thesis is published.

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