WWMM server is going down tomorrow morning (BST, ca 0900-1200 and UTC 0800-1100). So if you read manually or wish to comment, please don’t be surprised.
When I started this blog I did not expect for it to take on a role of advocacy. In particular I did not realise that access to and use of information would be a major problem. So some posts are somewhat strong polemic. But:
“The worst offense that can be committed by a polemic is to stigmatize those who hold a contrary opinion as bad and immoral men.” [John Stuart Mill, 1806-73]
Sometimes while writing I say things that upset people. If so, I apologize. There are posts which I would have worded differently in retrospect and recipients include Jan Velterop, Maxine Clarke, Chemspiderman, and one of the editorial staff at Nature. It is not my intention to upset individuals. However it is often necessary to upset organizations and the line between an individual and a representative of an organization is a fine one. Blogs have an immediacy that articles don’t, and are replicated instantly. I will try to be careful, but I am afraid that there are still many many organizations whose practices are unacceptable and where exposure and strong comment is appropriate.
I will buy any or all drinks if we meet.
Now for an anonymous contribution from a reviewer whom I know well and who does a lot of reviewing. Details adjusted to anonymize.
The referee had commented that a number [of objects] was wrong (as could be seen from comparing the text with an illustration).
“The number of [objects] has been changed to [n]. The number of [objects] appears to have been a numerical counting error.”
I don’t think you’ve ever said anything that’s upset me personally Peter, but while you’re at the bar, mine’s a bottle of Broon.
If a drink’s at stake, you may upset me any time.
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