Name that graph (acknowledgements to Rich)

Rich Apodaca has an excellent series of graphs (e.g. Name That Graph) where he has removed key annotations (titles, units, axes, etc.) I’m not going to to steal his theme but there is one graph that I hope my readership is familiar with. I’ve been using it in an article – more later – and will also blog before the article appears. So, with apologies to Rich, what;s this?
A clue. It’s about chemistry. But you don’t need to be a chemist… and since most of you should know the answer, please don’t post it

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3 Responses to Name that graph (acknowledgements to Rich)

  1. Black Knight says:

    You really *should* have changed the filename. . .

  2. Black, indeed πŸ™‚ The filename is a cheap way for semantic annotation πŸ™‚
    BTW, I already thought I recognized it from that famous movie in which it is shown too.

  3. pm286 says:

    (3) Which movie? Al Gore?

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