touchgraph for this blog

Having mentioned touchgraph Egon has already gone and got it running.

Touchgraphing my blog

Via SciFoo Planet (from Partial immortalization)I learned about TouchGraph Google (Peter brought it into Chemical blogspace). It’s cool, though not open source. Here’s the touch graph for my blog:

As you can see, plenty of blogspot bloggers around me, among which, in purple, Useful Chemistry. Funny thing is, each time I repeat the Google search, the output is different. Oh, and make sure to drag one of the halos around; that will keep you procrastinating for the whole afternoon 🙂

Actually it only takes half a minute or so – so I typed this blog’s URL into the applet. The graph is a measure of connectedness of the sites, possibly links, possibly content similarity, possibly co-mentions by a third party. Perhaps not surprisingly Google sees little linking to the chemical blogosphere but a lot to Open Access and Open Data.
(Just about readable). Co-existing with Peter Suber, SPARC, Talis, etc.

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